
Urban Economics and Real Estate : Theory and Policy

ISBN13: 9780470591482 |560pages|Hardcover|©2011|NT$1200

John F. McDonald, University of Roosevelt, Chicago
Daniel P. McMillen, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

This Second Edition arms real estate professionals with a comprehensive approach to the economic factors that both define and affect modern urban areas. The text considers the economics of cities as a whole, instead of separating them. Emphasis is placed on economic theory and empirical studies that are based in economic theory. The book also explores the policy lessons that can be drawn from the use of economics to understand urban areas. Real estate professionals will find new coverage of urban areas around the world to provide a global perspective.

Table of Contents
Part I: Economics and Urban Areas
Ch 1 Introduction to Urban Economics.
Ch 2 Schools of Thought in Urban Economics.
Ch 3 Location Decisions, Agglomeration Economies,
and the Origins of Cities.
Ch 4 The Economic Functions of Cities.
Part II: Location Patterns in Urban Areas
Ch 5 Introduction to Urban Location Patterns
Ch 6 Using the Monocentric City Model.
Ch 7 Empirical Testing of the Moncentric City Model.
Part III: Urban Housing and Real Estate
Ch 8 Housing in Urban Areas.
Ch 9 Housing Policy in the United States.
Ch 10 Real Estate Law and Institutions.
Ch 11 Real Estate Markets.
Ch 12 Real Estate Development and Investment.
Part IV: Government in Urban Areas
Ch 13 The Public Sector in Urban Areas.
Ch 14 Urban Transportation.
Part V: Urban Social Problems
Ch 15 An Overview of Urban Social Problems.
Ch 16 Urban Poverty and Its Spatial Concentration.
Ch 17 Crime in Urban Areas.
Ch 18 Education, Labor Markets, and Migration.
Part VI: Urban Growth
Ch 19 Models of Metropolitan Economic Growth.
Ch 20 Agglomeration Economies, Technical Change,
and Urban Growth.
Ch 21 Economic Development Policies for Urban Areas.