
Economics and the Environment 6/e

ISBN13: 9780470561096 |528pages|paperback|©2011|NT$1250

Eban S. Goodstein, Bard Center for Environmental Policy; The National Teach-In

Economics and the Environment 6th Edition, provides a rigorous and comprehensive presentation of the "standard analysis," including the property-rights basis of environmental problems, efficient pollution control, benefit-estimation procedures, and incentive based procedures. This text examines a broad range of topics in environmental and natural resource economics. It presents in-depth treatment of important issues at the cutting edge of environmental policy debates. The focus is on equipping readers with the tools necessary to analyse current environmental issues as an economist would. Broader topics such as the ethical foundations of environmental economics, an introduction to ecological economics, a safety-based approach to controlling pollution, the economic critique of growth, the potential for government failure, the promotion of "clean technology," and opportunities for sustainable development in poor countries are all covered throughout the text.

Table of Contents
Ch 1 Four Economic Questions about Global Warming
Part I: How Much Pollution Is Too Much?
Ch 2 Ethics and Economics
Ch 3 Pollution and Resource Degradation as Externalities
Ch 4 The Efficiency Standard
Ch 5 The Safety Standard
Ch 6 Sustainability: A Neoclassical View
Ch 7 Sustainability: An Ecological View
Ch 8 Measuring the Benefits of Environmental Protection
Ch 9 Measuring the Costs of Environmental Protection
Ch 10 Benefit–Cost in Practice
Ch 11 Is More Really Better? Consumption and Welfare
Part II: Is Government Up To The Job?
Ch 12 The Political Economy of Environmental Regulation
Ch 13 An Overview of Environmental Legislation
Ch 14 The Regulatory Record: Achievements and Obstacles
Ch 15 Monitoring and Enforcement
Part III: How Can We Do Better?
Ch 16 Incentive-Based Regulation: Theory
Ch 17 Incentive-Based Regulation: Practice
Ch 18 Promoting Clean Technology: Theory
Ch 19 Energy Policy and the Environment
Part IV: Can We Resolve Global Issues?
Ch 20 Poverty, Population, and the Environment
Ch 21 Environmental Policy in Poor Countries
Ch 22 The Economics of Global Agreements