
Organizational Behavior 3/e - ISV

ISBN13: 9780470873717|540pages|Paperback|©2009|NT$1250

Michael A. Hitt - University of Texas A&M
Adrienne Colella - University of Tulane
C. Chet Miller - University of Wake Forest

Managing organizational behavior (OB) involves acquiring, developing, managing, and applying the knowledge, skills, and abilities of people. Best-selling author Michael Hitt, together with co-authors C. Chet Miller and Adrienne Colella, wrote Organizational Behavior 3rd edition to help Business students understand how effectively managing behavior in organizations at the individual, groups, and organization level effects organizational performance.
In Organizational Behavior 3rd edition the authors emphasize the importance of how people contribute to the success of organizations. Managing organizational behavior is critical to implementing an organization's strategy,gaining an advantage over competitors, and ensuring positive organizational performance.

Table of Contents
Part 1 The Strategic Lens
Ch 1 A Strategic Approach to Organizational Behavior.
Ch 2 Organizational Diversity
Ch 3 Organizational Behavior in a Global Context
Part 2 Individual Processes
Ch 4 Learning and Perception
Ch 5 Personality, Intelligence, Attitudes, and Emotions
Ch 6 Work Motivation
Ch 7 Stress and Well-being
Part 3 Groups, Teams, and Social Processes
Ch 8 Leadership
Ch 9 Communication
Ch 10 Decision Making by Individuals and Groups
Ch 11 Groups and Teams
Ch 12 Conflict, Negotiation, Power, and Politics
Part 4 The Organizational Context
Ch 13 Organizational Structure and Culture
Ch 14 Organizational Change and Development