
Essentials of Business Communication 2/e


Mary Ellen Guffey - Los Angeles Pierce College
Bertha Du-Babcock - City University of Hong Kong

This revised Asian adaptation of Guffey’s leading textbook retains the winning text/workbook format of the original book. It reinforces basic communication and writing skills for effectively communicating one’s messages in various business situations and for writing a variety of winning memos, letters, reports, and résumés. There is also comprehensive coverage of contemporary business communication issues, including oral communication, electronic forms of communication, diversity, and ethics. Four integrative cases, based on real companies and situations in Asia, help students apply the knowledge and skills they have learned from the book to resolve real business issues.

Table of Contents
Unit 1 Laying Communication Foundations
Ch 1 Facing Today's Communication Challenges
Unit 2 The Writing Process
Ch 2 Writing for Business Audiences
Ch 3 Improving Writing Techniques
Ch 4 Revising and Proofreading Business Messages
Unit 3 Corresponding at Work
Ch 5 E-Mail and Memorandums
Ch 6 Routine Letters and Goodwill Mess
Ch 7 Persuasive Messages
Ch 8 Negative Messages
Unit 4 Reporting Workplace Data
Ch 9 Informal Reports
Ch 10 Proposals and Formal Reports
Unit 5 Developing Speaking Skills
Ch 11 Communicating in Person, by Telephone, and in Meetings
Ch 12 Making Oral Presentations
Unit 6 Communication for Employment
Ch 13 The Job Search, Resumes, and Job Application Letters
Ch 14 Employment Interviewing and Follow-Up Messages
Unit 7 Communicating with Ethics
Ch 15 Ethics in Business Communication
Unit 8 Integrative Cases on Business. Communication
Case 1 Business Report Writing: Tourism Industry Analysis
Case 2 Persuasive Memo Report Writing: Who to Hire.
Case 3 Ethical Decision Making: Communication Strategies for EasyFix.
Case 4 Minutes Writing: To Recall or Not to Recall