
Entrepreneurship 2/e

ISBN13: 9780470450376|632pages|Paperback|©2011|NT$1300

William D. Bygrave - Babson College
Andrew Zacharakis - Babson College

Entrepreneurship 2nd Edition combines concepts and cases while presenting the latest theories of entrepreneurship. The concepts cover what "would-be entrepreneurs" need to know to start and grow their businesses. Additionally, the cases illustrate how real entrepreneurs have gone out and succeeded. The authors cover all stages of the entrepreneurial process from searching for an opportunity to shaping it into a commercially attractive product or service, launching the new venture, building it into a viable business, and eventually harvesting it. Any student, "would-be entrepreneur" or not, will benefit from the lessons in this text.
• Concepts and Cases: The book is focused on concepts and cases on entrepreneurship.
• End of Chapter Cases: Each chapter is accompanied by a case study of entrepreneurs in action.
• Video Cases: Accompany the end of chapter video cases.
• Opportunity Journal: Students can reflect on the lessons learned and think about how to apply them to their own
entrepreneurial ventures, or to managing their careers.
• WebExercises: Build upon key concepts identified in each chapter.

Table of Contents
Ch 1 The Power of Entrepreneurship
Ch 2 The Entrepreneurial Process
Ch 3 Opportunity Recognition, Shaping, and Reshaping
Ch 4 Understanding Your Business Model and Developing Your Strategy
Ch 5 Entrepreneurial Marketing
Ch 6 Building the Founding Team
Ch 7 The Business Planning Process
Ch 8 Building Your Pro-Forma Financial Statements
Ch 9 Financing Entrepreneurial Ventures Worldwide
Ch 10 Raising Money for Starting and Growing Businesses
Ch 11 Debt and Other Forms of Financing
Ch 12 Legal and Tax Issues
Ch 13 Intellectual Property
Ch 14 Entrepreneurial Growth
Ch 15 Social Entrepreneurship: An Overview