
Principles of Corporate Financial Accounting, 9/e

ISBN13: 9780324640649|Binding: Paperback|Pages: 824|Copyright: ©2008|Price:NT$1280
Supplements: Instructor’s Manual|Test Bank| Power point|Solutions Manual

Carl S. Warren, University of Tennessee
James M. Reeve, University of Georgia

For over 75 years, Accounting has been used effectively to teach generations of businessmen and women. As the most successful business textbook of all time, it continues to introduce students to accounting through a variety of time-tested ways. With this edition, we continue our quest to explore new ways to connect the modern student to accounting, a discipline that is challenging and rewarding.
With this quest in mind, we came to you, the teachers of accounting, and asked what works, what doesn't, and what needs improvement. For this edition, we employed many new methods to get closer to instructors who teach the course every day. As allways , your responses were thorough and insightful, and through reviews, focus groups, and our ground-breaking Blue Sky Workshops, we've created a contemporary and efficient learning system for today's student and instructor.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Accounting and Business
2. Analyzing Transactions
3. The Adjusting Process
4. Completing the Accounting Cycle
5. Accounting for Merchandising Businesses
6. Inventories
7. Sarbanes Oxley, Internal Controls, and Cash
8. Receivables
9. Fixed Assets and Intangible Assets
10. Current Liabilities and Payroll
11. Corporations: Organization, Capital Stock Transactions, and Dividends
12. Income Taxes, Unusual Income Items, and Investments in Stocks
13. Bonds Payable and Investments in Bonds
14. Statement of Cash Flows
15.Financial Statement Analysis