
Introduction to C++ Programming, Brief Edition

ISBN13: 9781423902461|736 pages|Paperback|©2009|NT$1300
Supplements: Instructor's Manual|Test Bank|Power point

D.S. Malik, Creighton University

Brand new from best-selling author D.S. Malik, PROGRAMMING WITH C++: BRIEF EDITION provides readers with a succinct introduction to the C++ language supported by the rich pedagogy that has made his past offerings so successful. This text addresses the key issues that impede student learning, including how data in a variable is manipulated and how actual and formal parameters relate. Once students understand these fundamental concepts, they readily assimilate advanced topics. Each chapter offers extensive examples and diagrams as well as complete Programming Examples.

Table of Contents
0: An Introduction to Computers and Programming Languages.
1: Basic Elements of C++.
2: Input/Output.
3: Control Structures I (Selection).
4: Control Structures II (Repetition).
5: User-Defined Functions.
6: Arrays and Pointers.
7: Classes and Data.
8: Namespaces, the class string, and User-Defined Simple Data Types.
9: Applications of Arrays and the class vector.
10: Recursion.
A. Reserved Words.
B. Operator Precedence.
C. Character Sets.
D. Additional C++ Topics.
Binary (Base 2) Representation of a Nonnegative Integer. Additional Input/Output Tools. More on File Input/Output.
E. Header Files.
F. Answers to Odd Numbered Exercises.