
Accounting Information Systems: Controls and Processes

ISBN13: 978-0-471-47951-2|Binding: Hardcover|Pages: 672|Copyright: ©2009|Price: 1300

Leslie Turner, Northern Kentucky University.
Andrea Weickgenannt, Northern Kentucky University.

Master the technological tools of today's accounting profession
In your grandfather's day, the ledger book was the accountant's bible. Today, technology is king. From simple programs such as UBS and MYOB to complex enterprise-level systems, accounting systems play a critical function in maintaining accounting data and administering internal controls in any organization. Any aspiring accountant must fully grasp how information systems work, what their capabilities are, and their incorporation into a company's business processes and internal controls.
Stressing simplicity and accessibility while avoiding confusing jargon, Accounting Information Systems: The Processes and Control introduces you in simple and clear language to the technology utilized by accountants. Using simple process maps, document flowcharts, and data flow diagrams, this comprehensive yet easily comprehended book defines business processes and explains the foundational concepts of accounting information systems (AIS). It goes on to give you a solid understanding of:

* The proper control environment for overseeing and controlling processes
* Ethics and fraud prevention, corporate and IT governance, and auditing procedures, including the COSO framework and the Trust Principles
* Business processes--from revenue and cash collection to expenditure and administrative--and the internal controls in organizations
* The hardware, software, and systems that support the business processes
Offering real-world examples, helpful screen captures, exercises, and other features designed to enhance your mastery of the material, this book prepares you for working with the accounting information systems that are so essential to the profession today.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction to AIS
Chapter 2 Foundational Concepts of the AIS (Including an REA Appendix)
Chapter 3 Ethics, Fraud, and Internal Control
Chapter 4 Internal Controls in IT Systems
Chapter 5 Corporate Governance and Sarbanes Oxley Act
Chapter 6 IT Governance
Chapter 7 Auditing IT systems
Chapter 8 Revenue and Cash Collection Processes and Controls
Chapter 9 Expenditure Processes and Controls -Purchases
Chapter 10 Expenditure Processes and Controls -Payroll and Fixed Assets
Chapter 11 Conversion Processes and Controls
Chapter 12 Administrative Processes and Controls
Chapter 13 Direct Access Files, and Data Base Systems
Chapter 14 E-commerce and E-business
Chapter 15 ERP Systems