
Management Challenges for Tomorrow's Leaders, 5e

ISBN13: 9780324360844|498 pages|Paperback|©2007|NT$1080
Supplements: Instructor's Manual|Test Bank|Power point

Stephen H. Goodman, University of Central Florida
Patricia M. Fandt, University of Washington, Tacoma
Joseph Michlitsch, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Pamela S. Lewis, Queens University of Charlotte

This new international edition presents us with an opportunity to reflect on significant events that have occurred within the past few years, and to assess their impact on the matter at hand—the study of management. As the 21st century approached we saw a frenzy of activity as the business community prepared itself for the dreaded Y2K problem. Although this glitch in computer date coding resulted in dire predictions of computer system malfunctions, it barely caused a blip on the radar screen when we rang in the new millennium. The economy continued to soar. We saw the rapid ascent and subsequently equally rapid fall of many dot-com organizations. We have seen changes in political administrations and public policy. Early in the new millennium we find ourselves facing an economy that is not riding the crest of the wave that it once surfed. Businesses have had to tighten belts, and business leaders are finding it necessary to turn their full attention to meeting the challenges of a highly dynamic and rapidly changing business environment. U.S. involvement in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has shaken the confidence of many. We have been introduced to political terrorism on our own home front. The pernicious events of September 11,2001, have altered the face of business and to some extent, have altered our way of life. Boatding a commercial airplane is no longer the simple task it once was. Meanwhile, many of the major air carriers struggle to remain solvent in the wake of costly security measures.

Table of Contents
Part 1 Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century
1. Management and Managers
2. Evolution of Management Thought
3. Social Responsibility and Ethics
Part 2 Planning Challenges in the 21st Century
4. Strategic Management and Planning in a Global Environment
5. Planning in the Contemporary Organization
6. Managerial Decision Making
Part 3 Organizing Challenges in the 21st Century
7. Organizing for Effectiveness and Efficiency
8. Organizational Design
9. Strategic Human Resource Management
10. Organizational Culture and Change
Part 4 Leadership Challenges in the 21st Century
11. Communicating Effectively within Diverse Organizations
12. Leading in a Dynamic Environment
13. Exploring Individual Differences and Team Dynamics
14. Motivating Organizational Members
Part 5 Control Challenges in the 21st Century
15. Organizational Control in a Complex Business Environment
16. Productivity and Quality in Operations
17. Information Technology and Control