
The History Of Economic Thought, 7e

ISBN13: 9780324363159|560 pages|Paperback|©2007|NT$950
Supplements: Instructor's Manual|Test Bank|Power point

Randy Grant, Linfield College
Stanley Brue, Pacific Lutheran University

The primary purpose of this book is to tell the story of the history of economics in a clear, scholarly, balanced, and interesting fashion. It is, after all,  a story of great importance—one that sharpens our understanding of contemporary economics and provides a unique perspective not found in other fields of the discipline.
The study of the history of economic thought continues to grow as the discipline of economics matures. New ideas, new evidence, new problems, and new values call for a reconsideration of basic disputes and major contributions of the past. Although the basic features of previous editions are retained, this edition has been substantially updated and revised. The most significant changes are listed next.

Table of Contents
Ch1 Introduction and Overview
Ch2 The Mercantilist School
Ch3 The Physiocratic School
Ch4 The Classical School—Forerunners
Ch5 The Classical School—Adam Smith
Ch6 The Classical School—Thomas Robert Malthus
Ch7 The Classical School—David Ricardo
Ch8 The Classical School—Bentham,Say,Senior,and Mill
Ch9 The Rise of Socialist Thought
Ch10 Marxian Socialism
Ch11 The German Historical School
Ch12 The Marginalist School—Forerunners
Ch13 The Marginalist School—Jevons, Menger, von Wieser, and von Bohm-Bawerk
Ch14 The Marginalist School—Edgeworth and Clark
Ch15 The Neoclassical School—Alfred Marshall
Ch16 The Neoclassical School—Monetary Economics
Ch17 The Neoclassical School—The Departure from Pure Competition
Ch18 Mathematical Economics
Ch19 The Institutionalist School
Ch20 Welfare Economics
Ch21 The Keynesian School—John Maynard Keynes
Ch22 The Keynesian School—Developments since Keynes
Ch23 Theories of Economic Growth and Development
Ch24 The Chicago School—The New Classicism
Ch25 Concluding ThoughtsIndex